Monthly Feature: Triple Top Hat!


Greetings Happy Hatters! This week, I wanted to share with you a really special hat that happens to be currently in stock and on sale (May 1 - May 15, 2017)...THE TRIPLE TOP HAT!


This hat was 100% inspired by Alice in Wonderland. The idea came to me when I was brainstorming different characters that inspire me, and their motifs. As the Mad Hatter came to my mind, two and two connected and I knew I had to take our normal Top Hat design and kick it up a notch!

Working with challenging designs is one of the most fulfilling duties at TourNewSoul. Constructing a new idea that takes both a wearable design and combines it with 3-dimensional aspects is why I love designing for TourNewSoul, and this hat is the perfect example of that!


What I wanted from this design, more than anything else, was a sense of movement. The hat needed to look like it was just about to tip over, but it was carefully balancing in the most magical way.


Making it balance was a feat. I had to find it's center of balance (as marked with the red line). What I ended up doing was keeping the bottom hat straight as a "center point," and then balancing the two top hats both left and right enough to keep its center down the middle. 

After some seriously hard work and a lot of sewing and readjusting, the hat was finally balanced! It stands on its own, while looking like it'll topple over, exactly what I wanted from the design.


There are some really special design aspects on this hat. It was made for an art show, hosted by Q POP in Los Angeles, and so every little detail was planned to make it stand out as much as possible!

The highest Top Hat was made with a huge pink bow (pictured above). Interestingly, I had been saving this bow for a special hat for about three years! When making this hat for the show, I knew it would be perfect. Of course, the show was pink themed, so there was no way I couldn't include it! And the way it tumbles down the side of the hat gives it some much needed weight.

The middle and bottom hat add extra colors of pink. The middle hat (pictured left) was made with a particularly unique print. I was able to snag a fat quarter of it from a Japanese fabric store in Los Angeles, and so the print is incredibly limited! I knew this hat, being the shop-stopper it is, needed extra special little details like that, so I had to use it!

The bottom hat (pictured right) may seem simpler, and that's because I decided that since I was using three different prints of fabric within the hat, it needed a simple print somewhere in the design to balance it. This hat has an organza ribbon and little rose to give it some extra detail, and making it just as special as the others.

All three hats come together to form one perfectly adorable and whimsical show-stopping piece like nothing else!


The final (and most important) question is how to wear it. And the answer is simple: like any other TourNewSoul hat, of course! It has two alligator clips on the bottom, and for extra balance, I would suggest adding a ribbon through the clips and tying it around your head.

It can be worn in a variety of ways, for a photo shoot (put your hair up and go crazy!), or to a birthday party (stand out from everyone else!). The only thing you need is a little confidence!

The Triple Top Hat is really one of the most unique designs we have ever released. Check it out in the shop, and buy it while it's on sale! (From May 1 - May 15, 2017) There's something incredibly special about owning such a unique accessory, especially one handmade. If you're looking for a show-stopping design to add to your wardrobe, this might just be the one!


I hope you enjoyed this monthly feature, and check in next Wednesday for another blog post! If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for future blog posts, just place a comment below!